Southern Maryland Un-athletic Tippling Trailblazers and a 'y' Crab Hash House Harriers
(SMUTTy Crab H3)
"A drinking club with a running problem."
About SMUTTy Crab:
We run every Saturday at 1:00 Pee Emm; Hares away at 1:15; runs are $5.00 per person and our trails are 3-5 miles and are generally off-road with
lots of mud, ticks, and poison ivy - come prepared! Information on our upcoming runs will be posted on the calendar (just look to your left and click on, you guessed it, Calendar) with details on the message board .
Never run with the Hash House Harriers before? Check us out using these links, then come on out for some crazy good times!
General overview on Wikipedia:
Hash house Harriers
General source for kennel locations and other information:
The World Hash House Harriers
Home Page
Please check the length of your trail before haring here:
map your run
Our yahoo group:
Smutty Crab yahoo group
Our email contact:
Smutty Crab Email address